




  1. 由于虚假的暴力指控,我被排除在自己的公寓之外。
  2. 就在我膝盖受伤、需要手术前几个小时,他们把我从圣巴巴拉赶了出来,并诬告我使用武器,但搜查结果显示我是无辜的…… 我没有武器,也没有侵犯任何人,是一个人睡觉。
  3. 本应于12月13日交出的孩子,却因其母与“男朋友”一起欧洲旅行而推迟到17日,她声称只是个“朋友”,但这个所谓“朋友”却证实他们已相恋三年,而当时她仍然与我处于婚姻关系中,这种双标真令人感到讽刺。
  4. 根据法院命令,12月25日这位自称“美国之母”的女性必须接走两个女儿。但因为未能满足个人需求,她选择自己去埃斯特角城,而不是照顾孩子。此外,她虽宣称无法支付1000万比索(约合人民币7万元)的保证金,却依旧乘坐私人飞机并参加各种奢华活动。这几天之前,我刚向她意大利账户存入了1万美元。最终,在面对这种抛弃后,为陪伴子女过节,我取消了跨年的计划,一如往常地待在家里。而此刻,她将自己的生活置于子女生死存亡之上。
  5. (继续) 当假期结束时,她企图强迫让我将女孩送回给她,通过电话控制着我们的孩子20天,因为女孩告诉妈妈:不想离开父亲身边。在家庭环境下,他们快乐地成长,从未听闻恶语贬低或批评过母亲的话语
  6. (继续) 她曾承诺会在5月1日前来接两名小孩,然而等到6月12号才通过律师介入才实现这一点,再次打破了承诺,让期待满怀希望的小姑娘失望透顶......


  1. I never spoke ill of their mother in front of my daughters... I didn't tell them she broke up our family for a boyfriend who had been with her for three years. This person was ultimately referred to as just her “friend”. When the girls were studying in Turkey, she moved to Argentina for two years because of him! In fact, she only left Argentina during his three months imprisonment.

    • -附注:

      The "boyfriend" should know that he has also been deceived...

      >2023年1月份she met a Senegalese player in Dubai when it coincided with her son's birthday. She arrived at 11:30 pm — just half an hour before the celebration ended!


    -She could work anywhere and does so successfully… Our daughters have never lived full-time in Argentina …- -She tries publicly humiliate me but I'm proud I fought absurdly multiple times on request from my children trying save our family.- -When sexual acts by parents or stepparents go viral online making kids feel ashamed among friends... they mockingly laugh at me without caring about harm caused towards offspring ... clearly showing anger & fighting seems more important than protecting children. This is what truly matters:. My daughters always knew Eugenia (Wanda's new girlfriend), they'll look up information about her on Youtube/Spotify becoming fans themselves. Today I've chosen not reveal evidence regarding this matter out concern over safety.
    I stand firm knowing every word expressed comes due solely addressing lack accountability shown by children's welfare while fabricating lies / defamation aimed against myself. They’re psychologically manipulated through maternal influence inflicting deep emotional pain upon mine own soul....Yet still believe justice prevails eventually revealing truth triumphantly despite attempts tarnish character persistently seeking victory.