01月09日讯 在今日CCTV5播出的《足球之夜》节目中,武磊接受了专访,他谈到了自己的伤病情况以及对2024年的展望。











"非常感谢我的家人,他们之间达成了一种默契,在家庭中不会讨论外界压力。他们一直保护和关心我,让我能够更好地调整心态应对职业生涯中的质疑和低谷。" 武磊说道。

对于批评声音的理解 < p > "这些年来,我已经习惯淡然面对各种声音,并且知道为什么会出现这样的评价。我认为球迷也不容易,他们经历了很多委屈。因此,今年拿下两个冠军,是我们最好的回应。“ 他说道。

< Strong > 关于18强赛形势 < / strong >

他分析当前比赛局势时说: “从目前来看,每支球队都有希望。在这个小组里,日本队表现突出,其余球队在积分及过程上均具备潜力。参加世界杯始终是每名球员梦寐以求的事儿。”

< Strong > 对第100场国足比赛期待如何? < / strong >

武磊回答道: “大家都清楚形势,目前前6场打完,对于许多年轻球员来说,这是他们第一次参与这样的重要赛事,现在心理素质相较之前有所提升。进入国家队的人都是中国顶尖选手,而不是依赖一两个人,因此所有球员必须做好准备,共同为国家做贡献”。

< Strong > 是否认为这是自己事业最成功的一季? < / strong >


>P >The guidance of Xu Genbao/Strong>/P -P>-Wulei said: "Now I won't talk about tactics, but more from a family perspective. It feels like being with family." -About injuries again -Wu Lei emphasized: "First, let's take care of my knee injury. Actually, since the second half of last year, it has had a significant impact on me. The outside world may not fully understand this; only I know how my body is doing. After training in Abu Dhabi, I'll see how the recovery goes." -Summarizing 2024 -Wu Lei expressed that finding back to his pure football mentality was most important for him and enjoying every match as a forward position. -Talking about knee injuries, -He mentioned: “I can only maintain it as much as possible without letting it worsen further—that's the ideal state.” He indicated surgery at his age would have slow recovery times. -Making decisions regarding injections: -Wo Wei shared that balancing club responsibilities and national team duties while pursuing personal dreams made decision-making difficult. -In November due to persistent pain: -"Since June I've been undergoing rehabilitation training; thanks to our medical team for their support," he explained. -To fans: "Woo Le thanked them for their continuous support throughout these years." -On December 6th , Shanghai Port officially announced Wu Lei’s condition stating he was diagnosed with right lateral meniscus tear in November . On December 1st , he went to Italy where initial conservative injection therapy took place returning home afterward requiring two-three weeks’ observation.