12月25日讯 据英媒《METRO》报道,阿兰-希勒在接受采访时对本轮英超比赛的结果进行了预测。
Aston Villa虽然最近表现不错,但这次客战纽卡将是一个挑战。两队目前状态都很理想,并且各自都有实力强劲的前锋。不过,我相信最终能赢得比赛的是纽卡。
根据双方过去几场赛事来看,伯恩茅斯更具竞争力。在面对水晶宫的时候,如果保持良好的发挥,有机会取得主场 victory 。而水晶宫近来状态低迷,这使得我倾向于支持伯恩茅斯赢球。
Chelsea 在上一轮未能如愿以偿地拿下 Everton ,但此次坐镇主场,我相信他们会找回感觉,在这场伦敦德比中获得成功. p > < p >< strong >南安普顿 VS 西 汉 姆 ( 平 局 ) strong > P > < p > 此 场 比 赛 的 胜负 难以 判 定 , 南 安 普 顿 上 一 场 与 富 勒 姆 战 平, 拉 姆 斯 戴 尔 表 現 突 出 ; 而 西 汉 姆 状态起伏较大,因此可能导致这一战成平局. P > < P >< STRONG > 狼 队 VS 曼 联 ( 和 ) STRONG >
This match is crucial for both the teams and their new coach. Currently, Manchester United's performance has been disappointing on the field, making this game difficult for them; hence I predict it will end in a draw.
Liverpool vs Leicester City (Liverpool Win)
You have to worry about Leicester City in this matchup as they recently conceded four goals against Newcastle and three against Wolves, showcasing defensive issues that could be exploited by Liverpool.
Brighton vs Brentford (Brighton Win)
I believe Brentford plays very differently when away from home; you’ll see how much playing at home impacts their performance during this match.
The Arsenal vs Ipswich Town (Arsenal Win)
Ipswich struggled significantly against Newcastle previously. Although Arsenal temporarily lost Saka due to injury, I still think they can secure a win over Ipswich Town.