


南京赛区 - 南京华泰体育





无锡赛区 - 无锡锡悦

组建于2023年的无锡锡跃男子篮球队,由多领域专业人士组成,以团结拼搏著称。他们背后有着敬业团队及充足保障,为技术水平提升提供支持。自创立以来,该队已获“锡超杯”、 “EFB”杯等多个奖项,在当地形成浓厚的篮球氛围。

在城市预选赛上, 66号王殿文以场均15.2分为首,各路好手如77号缪红涛和23号周宸亦纷纷得到双位数成绩,使这支年轻力量不可小觑。

台州赛区 - 浙江互创建筑

Zhejiang Huchuang Basketball Team 成立于2021年,由热爱篮球的一家企业创始人发起,并吸纳各行业人才加入。这支团队凭借训练与比赛积累,不断成长为杭州市内的新锐劲旅,自建立以来屡次斩获联赛冠军,包括“乐动力”杯及中国业余公开赛事等殊荣.


Their guard line has been particularly impressive during the city qualifiers, with number 12 Chen Yang averaging an outstanding score of 29.5 points per game and number 24 Rong Jiahao contributing an average of 27.5 points—both demonstrating lethal offensive capabilities... .

Xiamen Division – Jing Li Media 
This is a grassroots basketball team rooted in Xiamen, formed by young enthusiasts who share a passion for the sport. The members come from various industries but are closely united through their love for basketball.
They train hard while enjoying relaxed social interactions off the court; they bond over drinks to strengthen friendships. Jing Li's squad represents not just competitive spirit but also serves as a warm sports community that connects people through joy and showcases the allure of basketball.
In urban qualifying matches, key player No: Wang Yuji led his teammates on offense with clever assists; meanwhile,No:'Tuo Fan made significant contributions at attacking ends!. We look forward to seeing these teams shine in the upcoming regional competition!