








进入俄勒冈大学第一年,即使面对众多身体条件优越的队友,小巧瘦弱但顽强拼搏精神十足 的他也未曾退缩,而是用汗水弥补差距,每天泡在健身房,与极限挑战自己。第二年成为球队领袖,大四的时候包揽各项个人荣誉,包括得分王、助攻王及年度最佳球员,同时还入选全美一阵,并获得象征大学最佳控卫称号鲍勃·库西奖。


2020年的NBA选秀大会上,凯尔特人以首轮26号签选中了普里查德。在他的菜鸟赛季,就凭借41.1%的三分命中率投进102个三分球,以其卓越投篮能力赢得了教练组信任。不过,对于2022-23赛季来说,对他而言是一大考验,由于后场人才济济,如斯玛特和布罗格登等悍将,使他的出场时间受到限制,仅有5.7分钟。因此面对困境, 他曾提出交易申请,但是最终留在了球队并续约至3000万美元,为期四年。而随着斯玛特和布罗格丹相继离开,现在终于坐稳了球队第六人的位置。

(本) 2023-24 赛事表现

This season, Pritchard has transformed again, playing all 24 games and averaging a solid 16.1 points, 3.3 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game with an impressive career-high three-point shooting percentage of 43%.. He scored over twenty points in nine games this season; notably against the Clippers, Bulls , Cavaliers ,and Heat he became the first player to score more than twenty points off the bench for four consecutive matches while also joining only three other players in Celtics history who achieved such a feat.

The outstanding performance makes Prichard become one of the biggest contenders for NBA's Sixth Man Award . Recently when interviewed by ESPN host Malika Andrews she directly asked him: "Is winning this year's sixth man award among your goals?" To which Pritchard replied candidly: “Not really actually! Winning or losing is beyond my control as it depends on judges' votes but being part of discussions about me becoming candidate itself already feels like honor that acknowledges effort I put into.”

If you check out what his teammates say about him:

Tatum says:" Even though we are championship team,Pritchards’ efficiency stays high regardless.I believe he deserves best six-man award." Brown adds:” This guy’s simply insane at gym practices never tires from training whenever hot streak comes up,I would willingly step back let stage center spot be exclusively his!” Regardless if awarded or not,this garage-born talent has crafted legendary chapter within NBA courts!