- 中超公司董事长刘军(尚未开庭)
- 中国足协原纪律委员会主任王小平(尚未开庭)
- 中国国家男子足球队前主教练李铁(一审结果待定,咸宁中院)
- 中国足球协会原秘书长刘奕(一审结果待定,咸宁中院)
- 国家体育总局前副局长杜兆才(一审结果待定,武汉市中级人民法院)
- 中国足球协会裁判管理部原部长谭海(一审结果待定,石首市人民法院)
- 成都市足球协会前专职副主席刘刚(一审结果待定,通城县人民法院) li >
ul >
- 戚军: 中国足球协会战略规划部原部长,被判处有期徒刑7年,并处罚金人民币60万元。 li >
- 陈戌源: 中国足球协会 former chairman, sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and all personal property confiscated. li >
- 李毓毅: Former vice president of the Chinese Football Association was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined RMB one million. li >
- < span style = " font - weight : bold ; " > 于洪臣 : span >& nbsp ; China Football Association's former vice president was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined RMB two hundred thousand. li > < li >< span style = " font - weight : bold ; "> 陈永亮 : span >& nbsp ; The original executive deputy secretary general of the Chinese Football Association and former director of the national team management department were sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of fourteen years with a fine amounting to two hundred twenty thousand yuan. lie > < l i >< s pan styl e =" fo nt-weigh t: bol d;" > 董铮 : &n bsp; <; /s pan>>& gt<i class=“icon”><~`[]';.,/<>?{:}-$%^*@!">×÷·¥©®⊙●◎★☆♠♦♥♣☼♪♫✎✏︎💻📱🖥️⚽🏀🏈🎾🚴♂️🚵♀️⛷️❄🌧🔝✨🔥🍔🥗🍦❤️👍👊🤜🤘🙏😇😊🙃😉😘😍😳😭😩👏💕🐶🐱🐰🦁🐯🌍🌟⭐✅➕➖✔✖▼◀▶•○△■□▲◆◇▫▬↨↓↑←→⇨⇦∞≡√π±≈Ω∞ø†§¶∆ℵ¢£₤€¥₹₪৲₺ɬ𐍉ϒꞢᏅ𝔹𝔼ᴬᴮ𝗋𝐂╫═▌▒█▓░▀▄⌘⌛⏳🔒🔑