12月10日讯 本赛季,安永佳为深圳新鹏城出战23场,其中3次首发,贡献了3个进球,为球队保级成功立下赫赫战功。在接受《足球报》采访时,他分享了自己的感受和未来目标。











"整个赛季,我们遇到了许多困难,特别是在没有太多上场机会的时候。但我们每天坚持训练,即使形势再艰难,我们也从未放松。" 他补充道,“最后三场关键赛事中的表现让大家看到了我们的进步。”

Tans 如何重振旗鼓? < p > 安 永 佳 表 示 : “ 在 六 连 败 的 难 阶 段 , 整 支 球 队 和 更 衣 室 的 信 心 都 遭 到 一 定 冲 击 。 然 而 我 们 通 常 会 尽 力 保 持 团结 , 大 家 建立起深厚友谊,通过共同经历相互激励,共同面对挑战。“

< strong > 谈 间歇期间换帅< / strong >

" 换 教练 是 一个 转折点,新教练拉坦齐奥给我们带来了帮助。他首先强调防守的重要性,并针对之前比赛的问题进行了专项训练,这对改善我们的整体表现确实有益处。"

< strong > 谈完成保级< / 强 >

” 当 时 真的是 很 开心 , 比赛越往后走承受得压力越大,但每个人都全力以赴投入其中,因此才能够取得最终结果。“ < / p > Pats on Differences between Chinese Super and China First Division.> "显然,中超与中甲存在巨大的差异,有些方面让我始料未及。例如,在持球情况下需要迅速反应,同时发现:各支超级球队之间普遍拥有更强悍且高效运转合作机制。 Pats To Compete with Foreign Players for Position:>" 虽然外援占据前锋位置较多,但是这样的竞争却推动着我的提升,使我不断观察学习他们踢法并积极锻炼自己。 "Pats In Last Three Matches Given Heavy Responsibility:" 主教练曾向我确认价值所在,并期待通过良好的训练发挥作用。因此无论何时,都要做好随叫随到、迎接机遇!" "PATS ON HIS POSITIONING:" “I believe I can play an important role in new coach's system, my goal is to become a regular starter.” PATs Against Meizhou And Shenhua :" "It’s crucial we treat both games equally; especially against direct competitors like Meizhou." Satisfaction Over Drawing With Shanghai Shenhua: " "We were satisfied earning one point from them as they are title contenders." Acknowledgment Of Defensive Issues: He emphasizes that football is a team sport where all players share wins or losses together. We must support each other because unity leads us through challenges. *Talk About Starting Against Nantong* "I was excited when told I'd be starting after waiting long enough!" *Discuss Career Planning* "My journey began at Hong Kong club Kitchee before moving here seeking higher levels of competition." *On The Help From Playing In Second Tier Football The time spent there opened up possibilities while also making me realize just how competitive mainland leagues could get! " **Friendly Match Between Hong Kong Team & National Squad** “The friendly match served more practice than anything else but provided valuable experience facing top-tier national talents.” ***Increasing Number Of HK Players Joining Mainland Teams*** “This period presents great opportunities for our local talent pursuing progress by competing within high-level leagues!” ***Football Journey Overview**** “It started young due largely thanks to family influences pushing dreams into reality eventually leading towards professional ambitions!” **Talent vs Hard Work Discussion**** Despite early successes amidst various age groups realization hit hard once abroad—success requires relentless effort rather than relying solely upon innate abilities!" ” **Looking Ahead At Next Season:** My hope remains centered around improved performance alongside contributions toward overall success during upcoming fixtures!"