12月5日讯 NBA常规赛今日继续进行,凯尔特人主场迎战活塞。由于膝盖不适,塔图姆缺席了本场比赛。
- 活塞(9-15):
- 康宁汉姆 27 分 9 篮板 14 助攻
- 哈里斯 27 分
- 杜伦 5 分 5 篮板
- A维11 分
- 比斯利23 分4篮板 li >
- 萨瑟12 点. li > ul >
- < strong > 凯尔特人 (18 -4): strong > li >
< li class=" list-item " > 布朗28点、6篮板和9助攻. l i >
< s p an style= "" class = " text-formatting-bold "> 豪泽20点 .
Brogdon, the coach of Boston's team is a great player from this league and he has been playing for several years now with his amazing skills in order to lead them through tough situations like these games against Detroit Pistons where they were able to win despite missing star players such as Tatum who usually contributes heavily offensively during matches but still managed well thanks mainly due contributions by other teammates stepping up when needed most!