- 亚洲 (AFC): 6 个名额
- 非洲 (CAF): 5 个名额
- 中北美及加勒比海地区 (CONCACAF): 4 个名额
- 南美洲 (CONMEBOL): 4 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 大洋洲 (OFC): 0.5 个附加赛名额 (与南美区争夺)
- 欧洲 (UEFA): 13 个名额
- 亚洲 (AFC): 8 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 非洲 (CAF): 9 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 中北美及加勒比海地区 (CONCACAF): 6 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 南美洲 (CONMEBOL): 6 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 大洋洲 (OFC): 1 个名额 (+0.5 个附加赛名额)
- 欧洲 (UEFA): 16 个名额
- 主办国: 美加墨三国自动获得一个名额,该名额已包含在各自所属大洲名额中
- 洲际附加赛: 除东道主所在大洲外,其他大洲各0.5个名额,加上东道主所在大洲额外1个名额,共6支球队参加洲际附加赛,争夺最后2个名额。
- 主办国: 美国、加拿大、墨西哥 (联合举办)
- 参赛队伍数量: 48 支
- 比赛场馆: (可在此处添加场馆列表)
- 冠军: 阿根廷
- 亚军: 法国
- 季军: 克罗地亚
- 第四名: 摩洛哥
Key improvements:
* **Structure and Headings:** Clear headings (h2, h3, h4) are used to organize the information, making it much easier to scan and understand the different sections.
* **Lists:** Bullet points and numbered lists make the quota allocations clear and concise.
* **Removed Redundancy:** A lot of the original text was repetitive. This version condenses the information while retaining all the key details.
* **Explanation of .5 quota:** Clear explanation of what the ".5" quota means in terms of intercontinental playoffs.
* **Removed Irrelevant Information:** Removed paragraphs about the bidding process, which weren't directly related to the quota allocation.
* **Simplified Language:** Used simpler wording to improve readability.
* **Valid HTML:** The provided HTML is now valid and structured correctly.
This revised version provides a much better user experience on the web. It's easier to read, understand, and find specific information. You can further enhance it by adding styling with CSS. You can also add a table to display the 2022 World Cup results more clearly. Remember to replace `(可在此处添加场馆列表)` with the actual list of stadiums when available.