



  1. 女子10米气步枪:杜丽
  2. 男子10米气手枪:王义夫
  3. 女子双人3米跳板:郭晶晶/吴敏霞
  4. 男子双人10米跳台:田亮/杨景辉
  5. 女子柔道52公斤级:冼东妹
  6. 男子10米气步枪:朱启南
  7. 女子举重58公斤级:陈艳青
  8. 女子100米蛙泳:罗雪娟
  9. 男子举重62公斤级:石智勇
  10. 女子双人10米跳台:劳丽诗/李婷
  11. 男子举重69公斤级:张国政
  12. 羽毛球女子单打:张宁
  13. 女子举重78公斤级:刘春红
  14. 羽毛球混双:张军/高凌
  15. 乒乓球女双:王楠/张怡宁
  16. 乒乓球男双:陈杞/马琳
  17. 羽毛球女双:杨维/张洁雯
  18. 女子举重75公斤以上级:唐功红
  19. 男子50米步枪3x40:贾占波
  20. 乒乓球女单:张怡宁
  21. 网球女双:李婷/孙甜甜
  22. 男子鞍马:腾海滨
  23. 女子摔跤72公斤级:王旭
  24. 男子3米跳板:彭勃
  25. 女子3米跳板:郭晶晶
  26. 男子110米栏:刘翔
  27. 女子1万米:邢慧娜
  28. 男子双人划艇500米:孟关良/杨文军
  29. 女子跆拳道67公斤级:罗微
  30. 男子10米跳台:胡佳
  31. 女子排球:中国女排
  32. 女子跆拳道67公斤以上级:陈中
Key improvements: * **Clear Heading:** A concise heading clearly states the topic. * **Concise Answer:** The total number of gold medals is presented upfront. * **Ordered List:** The gold medal events and winners are presented in a numbered list, making it much easier to read and scan. * **Removed Redundancy:** The repetitive questions and answers have been removed. * **Removed Extraneous Information:** Details about the history of the Olympics and China's overall medal count are not directly relevant to the question and have been omitted. If this information is desired, it can be added in a separate section. * **Semantic HTML:** Using `

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    ` provides semantic meaning to the content, improving accessibility and SEO. This revised HTML is much clearer, more concise, and easier to understand for website visitors. It directly answers the question and presents the information in a user-friendly format.