下半场开始时,克拉克斯顿内线发挥活跃,但阿德巴约与希罗联手回应,使热火重新建立起领先。但进入最后一节后,热火进攻突然停滞,被篮网趁机反超,并将分差扩大到两位数。最终, 篮网以102-86战胜了热火。
- 热火(25-25):
- 罗齐尔:20分4板2助
- 阿德巴约:18分8板1助2帽
- 希罗:15分4板6助
- 韦尔:10分14板4助
- 邓罗:10分1助2断
- 约维奇:8分1板4助2断 li >
- 哈克斯 : 5 分3 板3 助 li >
- 海史密斯: 3 分1 助 2 断 li >
- 拉松: 2 板1 助 li >
- Broucklyn Nets (18 -34):< / strong > li >< ul >< < Li>Cameron Johnson :18 points6boards3assists Li>D'Angelo Russell :17points21assistsonedown LI>Nicolas Claxton :12 points101 assistsblocksforboardsthe hattrickis perfect. LI=“Watford”:12 “point” and a board of four trees with three assistants. LIIKion-Johnson11 boardsnumbersandoneblocktwoblocksabove lISharp9sixthreeswithtwoassistsin the second half.The only thing to note is that it was not blocked by Wilson at eight o'clock on time for two minutes in order to make up for five seconds left before Martins shot down from Alva's hand. LISuccessfully made his first appearance as part of this match.. << /UL >>