进入下半场,两队投篮命中率都有所下降,但双方分差始终维持在10分左右。到了最后一节,雄鹿加大攻势,将优势扩大到20分以上,此刻黄蜂已无力翻盘。最终, 雄鹿以112-102击败了黄蜂,从而结束了自己的四连败。
- 雄鹿(27-22):
- 利拉德:29分、4个篮板、12次助攻、2次抢断
- 波蒂斯:23分、17个篮板、5次助攻、3盖帽
- D. 洛佩斯:14分、3个篮板
- 特伦特:13分、6个篮板
- 普林斯:11分、2个篮板
- AJ·格林:8 分 、 2 个 篮 板 、 1 次 助 攻
- 罗 林 斯 : 6 分 , 2 个 篮 板 , 4 次 助 攻 li >
< li >康 诺 顿 :4 分 ,6 个 籃 板 ,3 次 助 攻 li >
< li > 小 安 德烈 -杰克逊 :2 分 ,1 個籃版,1 assist. li >
< Li>Taylor Smith: 2 points. Li >
- Bicham: rebounds of one board. LI >
LI >The Hornets (12–36): Strong: strong >
< UL >
Liam Nick-Smith: Points; assists; and boards for two-two-one respectively.
Bridges's fifteen-six assists six times.
Simpson scored ten with three assists and a rebound.
Sarron had ten four boards in the first half but only managed to get back on track later on after not scoring at all last night against Charlotte until then today when he was finally able again during those late-game minutes where things were starting out well despite being down by twenty earlier before halftime arrived so they could regroup quickly afterwards! Just keep playing hard guys because we know how important it is now more than ever ❤️💪🏾
Jeffries added nine while also contributing another couple solid performances alongside Mawi who chipped in nicely as usual too!
Isaiah Wang contributed six additional dishes plus Josh Green providing five total along side Sef Curry chipping away here like always producing great quality shots throughout games played thus far this season overall even though results haven't gone their way lately either which happens sometimes especially given everything else going around us currently affecting our league standings these days... Stay tuned folks!